Join us and become a member of the premier Society representing the best in the field of business healthcare consulting .
How to join the National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants
Society membership consists of individual members, not firms. Membership dues to the Society are $625.00 per year. In order to join the Society, prospective members must meet certain qualifications. A candidate for membership shall be an individual who:
- Provides business/management consulting professional services to the healthcare industry.
- In the case of a Certified Member, has passed an appropriate examination as determined by the Certification Board.
- Meets such other reasonable and non-discriminatory membership requirements as the board of Directors may establish.
Approval of any application for membership in the Society will be contingent upon:
- Review and recommendation of a submitted membership application by the Society's Membership Committee.
- Submission of an application fee of $125.00.
New members are required to attend an educational meeting within three years of joining the Society.
Membership Benefits
As a member of the National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants you will have access to a number of benefits. They include:
Networking Opportunities - One of the most important benefits to any Society member is the interaction among members. Every member is an "active" member, willing to share with other members his/her knowledge, experiences, and most of all, successful ideas.
Find a Consultant - Only Society members can be listed on this Web based business referral service for inquiring medical and dental practices, physicians and dentists.
Educational Meetings - The Society offers two educational meetings each year providing members with practical topics that can be used every day in your practice. The Society offers educational hours at its meeting that can be applied to certification and continuing professional education hours.
Certification - In the field of healthcare business consulting, CHBC certification distinguishes you from generalist management consultants with broad-based practices. More importantly, it sets you apart from those healthcare consultants who haven't gone the extra mile to demonstrate a holistic knowledge of healthcare provider's needs. As a Society member, you will have the opportunity to earn this impressive credential.
Statistic Report on Medical/Dental Income and Expense Averages - One of the best resources available, this report is available to members at a discounted rate. The report is free for those who participate in the survey.
ListServ - One of many benefits for our "members only", the Society's ListServ gives you the opportunity to network online and is one of the most attractive benefits of NSCHBC membership. We take pride in our active ListServ, which provides members with a wealth of information and hundreds of experienced business consultants ready to share best practices, industry updates and tools and advice with their fellow members.
Logo Use - As a Society member, you can use the Society's name, logo or trademark on your stationary and other materials (pending the Executive Committee's approval of a member's application in which the purpose and scope of the proposed use is detailed).
And More...
Types of Membership
Certified Members:
Individuals who have met, and continue to meet, the requirements for and have been voted to Active Membership. In addition, they have passed an appropriate examination as determined by the Certification Board of the Society, and maintain that certification by completing at least fifty (50) hours of Continuing Professional Education ("CPE") every two years. Certified Members shall have the right to participate and vote in all Membership Meetings of the Society, and to chair standing committees of the Society, including the Certification Board.
Active Members:
Non-certified individuals who are engaged in the business of providing professional business management or consulting services for healthcare professionals; have demonstrated competency in this field; and have been in compliance with the Code of Ethics, are eligible for Active Membership. In accordance with the Society's mission and objective to promote certification of all its members, an Active Member is encouraged to seek certification within five years of becoming a member. Active Members shall have the right to participate and vote in all Membership Meetings of the Society, and shall be permitted to display the Society's name and logo on letterhead, correspondence and similar materials, in accordance with guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
Associate Members:
Individuals who work as a consultant in a limited extent in healthcare. Associate Members of the NSCHBC are eligible to sit for the CHBC examination, but may not use the CHBC designation until the requirements of Active Membership have been met. Associate Members may, however, promote that they have passed the CHBC examination on their resume or bio. As soon as an Associate Member has further established their healthcare client engagements, they may be eligible for Active Membership, which will grant full voting rights within the organization and use of the CHBC designation for those that have passed the CHBC examination. Other than the differences referenced above, Associate Members of the NSCHBC enjoy the same membership privileges as Active Members do.
Affiliate Members:
Individuals whose work as a consultant in healthcare is minimal, or who are actively providing professional services as an employee in the healthcare industry. Affiliate Members of the NSCHBC are eligible to sit for the CHBC examination, but may not use the CHBC designation until the requirements of Active Membership have been met. Current Affiliate Members may, however, promote that they have passed the CHBC examination on their resume or bio. In addition to this, Affiliate Membership grants access to the NSCHBC email ListServ, a discounted member registration rate for educational meetings, access to the Members Only section of the NSCHBC website, and eligibility to contribute to the statistics or purchase at the member rate. Affiliate Membership does not grant voting rights within the organization, logo usage, or a listing under "Find a Consultant" on the NSCHBC website.
Please note that applications for membership take 30 - 45 days to be reviewed and processed.
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