Real estate Development company Business plan

May 16, 2019
Sell My Business

CPW Investments, LLC plans to establish itself in the United States as a startup business under the parent company, Dynamic Capital, LTD of China. Dynamic Capital will continue to own 50 percent of CPW Investments, with the remaining 50 percent owned by Mr. Reynolds. He will function as both the manager and an employee of the business, which will be located in Los Angeles, California, with one employee to help manage the customer service call center.

Dynamic Capital will contribute $1 million in funds over the next three years to help with the purchase of properties. The remaining amount will be through mortgages on the property. Income from rental units will also help increase the amount of cash available to purchase more properties. Lastly, a ten percent commission will be accessed on properties presented to investors, which will enhance CPW Investments’ cash position for future properties.

While China’s housing market continues to slow, the U.S. housing market continues to grow, with many markets experiencing an eight to nine percent growth rate. Property demand continues to rise as the residential construction sector continues to increase. CPW Investments will continue to capitalize on the growth of many U.S. markets with a high level of success for the company as well as for real estate investors.

Management Team

CPW Investments is starting out as a small business owned and operated by Mr. Reynolds. He is a trained real estate professional who will strive to provide the very best in real estate development services. Mr. Reynolds will serve as a single owner and employee of CPW Investments. He will include an office manager/accountant to help with customer calls and overall service. As business begins to grow, Mr. Reynolds will hire a small staff to help with showing properties for rent or sale. He will also hire a marketing team that will reach out to property investors with properties at a value. Each increase in payroll expense will be offset by higher revenue and stronger profits.

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